The Checkered Camel Company

   Saturday, May 22, 2004  
I telephoned April's mommy and daddy (now that I am a grown up, they tell me I may call them "Kenny" and "Paul") with notification of my impending arrival at their domicile next weekend. They seemed thrilled. April considerately washed her bedsheets before she left for Vienna, which might make one wonder what, precisely, she does to them. However, I am aware that April never sleeps under the covers, and therefore washes her sheets once every two or three years. Before April returns, I shan't wash her sheets for her. She probably won't notice.

    at 6:56 PM

   Friday, May 21, 2004  
I decided I might miss some people from work and school. Sunday afternoon the Ad Club is holding a picnic/end of semester shindig, to which I shall bring my camera. I'll have to be certain no one snatches a photograph of me, though- I don't need evidence of my fat period lurking about.

My managers claim they will miss me. I suspect they mean they'll miss the excellent job in Bakery Land I did for them.
    at 7:05 PM

   Thursday, May 20, 2004  
ADP (a checkprinting/payroll company) ordered 1,530 cookies. From noon until ten I baked and bagged these cookies single-handedly, except for a few bags cookied by Vicki, Sabrina, and Andy (a buser, a cashier, and an expediter, respectively). Every individual paper bag received two each of chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin walnut, and sugar cookies.

My body, depending on where one sniffs, smells like sweat, chocolate, garlic butter, shake mix, bread dough, and more sweat.

These people had better like these cookies.

I ought to feel tired, but unfortunately, I am perfectly well. I cannot sleep. I suppose I'll do a few sit-ups and then read until my poor little eyes droop.
    at 9:02 PM  
I work from noon until nine. Then I sleep. I wake up for Friday's opening shift, which runs from seven in the morning until two in the afternoon. Then I sleep.

I return to the K-hole Memorial Day weekend.
    at 8:23 AM

   Wednesday, May 19, 2004  
I stickered bakery bags with the Fuddruckers logo for twenty minutes before my shift ended. The stickers read, "Blue Ribbon Bakery". I called Tina over and inquired from whence this prestige certification originated. 'Did Fuddruckers award itself this blue ribbon?' She nodded. Then I swept the floor and left the joint.

It is nap time.
    at 1:03 PM

   Tuesday, May 18, 2004  
Today I loafed about the house until 'twas time for working. I arrived early and read Guns, Germs, and Steel over dinner, until Marlon sat next to me to give a Spanish lesson. He had me repeat things such as "That is beautiful", "now hiring", "highway", "children", "napkin", "pepper", "happy", and "Gina breaks my heart" [Gina is one of the cashiers].

I realized I shall not have a vehicle when I come to Texas. The Buick, poor piece of crap, won't make it to Little Rock. And it wouldn't pass any inspection. Scheisse. I must discuss a plan of action with The Father, in which he somehow helps me acquire another piece of poop, and I slowly reimburse him over the summer. The Evil Mall is less than two miles from where he and Terri live, though, so if worse comes to worse, I can always bike or walk. It will be good for my thighs.

Little Mikey, the guy my managers have been trying to train as the backup baker, opened bakery hung over this morning. He spewed at one point, and he didn't roll enough doughs. I had to bake his walk-in (overnight) dough this evening, because a party of seventy people called ahead. The buns he did roll baked off terribly. Unless one has done it one's self, ruining a hamburger bun might seem difficult to fathom, but it is quite possible. Little Mikey rolled almost every single bun either lopsided or with air bubbles. His poor performance in Bakery Land, over which I rule iron-fistedly, seems all the more odd because every other job (cashier, busing, expo) he does, he does very well.

I hope tomorrow I again train Christina. She provides satisfactory company with the added benefit of helping me finish everything early. If I finish early, I sometimes get to go home early, which is sehr gut, ja.
    at 7:51 PM

   Monday, May 17, 2004  
Discover your Zodiac Personality
Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me
    at 10:16 PM  
I bought girl clothes today. They accentuate my boobies.

I tried them on in the store (New York and Company), and considering that they hid my jigglies (love handles), I felt it necessary to purchase them.
    at 7:41 PM

   Sunday, May 16, 2004  
Meramec posts final grades online tomorrow evening. It mails out transcripts Tuesday. Ausgezeichnet. I grow weary with this ridiculous "waiting" business.

Rob (the dumb supervisor) asked me if I would make a gas station run to get him a pack of cigarettes. I told him to satisfy himself, in several more words. Point the first: I am not his personal errand boy. Point the second: My mother died of smoking-related lung cancer, and I am not going to feed his dirty, thoughtless habit. When I pointed that out to him (half-jokingly, as always), he said, 'Well, I have two kids, and I don't care.' My reply went along the lines of, 'My mom had five, and whether or not you do, they will.' He also told me I gave him "too much information"; that I could have simply replied in the negative. I responded with the assertion that making people feel guilty is much more fun for me. It is, but it's also slightly depressing.

Contending with dopey people makes me tired.
    at 2:20 PM