The Checkered Camel Company

   Friday, May 28, 2004  
Nick, Laura, and I leave via car tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., all other factors being equal. I need to journey still to Office Depot for two medium-sized boxes that will hold my shoes, video tapes, CDs, and a few miscellaneous items. Laura commented I have 'a lot of shit'. This is true. I accumulate things; they stick to me.

I had my hair cut at the place next to the grocery store. The girl bobbed it, the style I wore during junior high (eighth grade). I let her know she did a good job. Now, if I just lose some weight, I'll look sort of cute again. It could happen.

Last night I visited Pamela and baby Rowan. I brought Rowan her birthday gift (she turns one next month)- a lamb blankie and a Pooh Bear book. She grabbed the blankie and cooed "aaahhh". Pam ordered pizza, which Rowan gobbled most enthusiastically. She offered me some, but I showed her I had a piece already; she then dropped the offering onto the floor. Auzgezeichnet.
    at 11:57 AM

   Wednesday, May 26, 2004  
At work I trained my replacement, an older fellow named Delayne. He rolled the dough well, and I let him roll most of it himself (which I did not do when I trained Christina and Little Mikey). I open for the last time tomorrow. I'll train Delayne again, which means I shan't have much work to do myself. Ausgezeichnet.

People at work ask me if I am excited to return home. Frankly, I am quite indifferent, as far as concerns my family. I do miss my old friends, but I know I won't see them much, because I'll work and they'll work (most of them- the ones who aren't filthy rich). Beyond work, I won't have much to do until school starts, wherever that ends up being. I am considering taking clarinet lessons at my old place of employment/place where I took piano, if they are adaptable to my work schedule. I feel mildly guilty about hauling my mother's thirty-three year-old Bundy clarinet everywhere, but never playing it.

Diet Coke with Lime tastes sort of good.
    at 12:48 PM

   Monday, May 24, 2004  
I apologize for my previous post's profanity. I just get so angry sometimes.
    at 7:37 PM  
I packed all my clothes (except what I'll wear through the week) into duffel bags and luggage cases, then I wrapped picture frames and all the other junk I had planted on bookcases and tucked into any visible spaces. Two thirds of the remainder consists of books, magazines, and old schoolwork.

As I folded clothes, I cycled through my Yes CDs. April, Little Miss Hardcore, scoffs at Jon Anderson's falsetto, but I respect any man who sings that high after he goes through puberty. Also, their albums are famous for the "fab" artist who designs them. I would like very much to see a Yes concert (before they all go off and croak on me), but this year they shan't tour the United States. Dadgum them!

    at 7:23 PM  
Yesterday after work I attended an Advertising Club function at the park down the road apiece from school. I wore a Harve Benard denim skirt, a halter top (in which I went au natural), and my boots from sophomore year (the ones with the flippy left sole). My ensemble made playtime difficult, but I managed fairly well.

The boys played a whiffleball homerun derby, but the guy who pitched to me jipped me out of it entirely, for which I was much displeased. He either threw outside or hit me (none of this on purpose). And during a run (observing me run must be extremely hilarious to other people) to fetch a ball, my flippy sole finally fell off. When I left, I gimp-walked to the parking lot past a high school graduation party, whose attendees pointed and laughed (not meanly) at my misfortune.

Uncle Nick introduced me to a flavor of ice cream called "Pineapple Upside-Down Cake". He has also widened my dietary horizons to include spinach, grape tomatoes, brussel sprouts, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and squash, which I suppose evens out the ice cream.

I ought to begin packing, but I must first acquire boxes. Most of what Fuddruckers discards is either too large or too small. Scheisse.
    at 1:39 PM