The Checkered Camel Company

   Friday, June 04, 2004  
Richard, one of my new co-workers, commented upon seeing my Cardinals t-shirt, 'Hey, you know you shouldn't be wearing that in this town.' I told him I could count on the fingers of one hand the die-hard Astros fans, and that does include moi. Anyhow, I think I have a new bosom buddy.

    at 2:02 PM

   Wednesday, June 02, 2004  
The Evil Mall Fuddruckers receives little business during the week, so after my three o'clock orientation I began work immediately, performing tasks as needed (busing, ringing orders, working bakery). My new co-workers like me, especially because I require no training beyond learning little nuances for this particular location as opposed to my old place of employment. Tina apparently put in the good word for me, according to my new managers. Ausgezeichnet.

Tomorrow I attend a meeting with Byron (the house manager) at Rainforest Cafe about training as a hostess (Tour Guide). Zach is a hostess there, too, which ought to be jolly fun when I work with him. Zach, Jonathan Theilig, and Theilig's dad happenstanced into Fuddruckers as I left this evening. We discussed fond memories of McDonald's Happy Meal toys from our childhoods. The conversation then progressed to the subject of The Dinosaurs, that old sitcom. I used to watch it daily.

    at 9:28 PM

   Tuesday, June 01, 2004  

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

    at 6:02 PM  

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

    at 5:58 PM  
I am back in the K-hole again.

Rather than stay at April's house, The Father and Terri made room for me in theirs and insisted I stay with them. Yick. The Father played me some hokum about how we need to "be a family". I tried explaining that I am a grown up now, but he remained adamant.

Everyone in the family has his own towel and washcloth, colour-coded to dispel confusion. I am yellow. It's what I've always wanted. The Father mentioned each person does his laundry once a week. I told him if I waited that long, I wouldn't be able to pick up the pile.

By the way, if any of you kids like to play pool, Terri has a gigantic pool table in the front room here. Her father sells billiard tables and owns a few bars around Austin. Oh- and he owns a house on Lake Austin, another house on another lake, and a lakehouse condominium. The Father forged a lucrative relationship.

Terri agreed to drive me to the Evil Mall Fuddruckers so that I can apply for a job. Hopefully, they'll already have a full-time baker, and I can just close. Then I'll waddle to Rainforest Cafe about opening there, if they don't have enough summer help. I hope Annie Rowland came back; she was a delightful co-worker.
    at 6:51 AM