The Checkered Camel Company

   Wednesday, June 16, 2004  
Go to the new blog.
    at 5:16 PM

   Friday, June 04, 2004  
Richard, one of my new co-workers, commented upon seeing my Cardinals t-shirt, 'Hey, you know you shouldn't be wearing that in this town.' I told him I could count on the fingers of one hand the die-hard Astros fans, and that does include moi. Anyhow, I think I have a new bosom buddy.

    at 2:02 PM

   Wednesday, June 02, 2004  
The Evil Mall Fuddruckers receives little business during the week, so after my three o'clock orientation I began work immediately, performing tasks as needed (busing, ringing orders, working bakery). My new co-workers like me, especially because I require no training beyond learning little nuances for this particular location as opposed to my old place of employment. Tina apparently put in the good word for me, according to my new managers. Ausgezeichnet.

Tomorrow I attend a meeting with Byron (the house manager) at Rainforest Cafe about training as a hostess (Tour Guide). Zach is a hostess there, too, which ought to be jolly fun when I work with him. Zach, Jonathan Theilig, and Theilig's dad happenstanced into Fuddruckers as I left this evening. We discussed fond memories of McDonald's Happy Meal toys from our childhoods. The conversation then progressed to the subject of The Dinosaurs, that old sitcom. I used to watch it daily.

    at 9:28 PM

   Tuesday, June 01, 2004  

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

    at 6:02 PM  

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

    at 5:58 PM  
I am back in the K-hole again.

Rather than stay at April's house, The Father and Terri made room for me in theirs and insisted I stay with them. Yick. The Father played me some hokum about how we need to "be a family". I tried explaining that I am a grown up now, but he remained adamant.

Everyone in the family has his own towel and washcloth, colour-coded to dispel confusion. I am yellow. It's what I've always wanted. The Father mentioned each person does his laundry once a week. I told him if I waited that long, I wouldn't be able to pick up the pile.

By the way, if any of you kids like to play pool, Terri has a gigantic pool table in the front room here. Her father sells billiard tables and owns a few bars around Austin. Oh- and he owns a house on Lake Austin, another house on another lake, and a lakehouse condominium. The Father forged a lucrative relationship.

Terri agreed to drive me to the Evil Mall Fuddruckers so that I can apply for a job. Hopefully, they'll already have a full-time baker, and I can just close. Then I'll waddle to Rainforest Cafe about opening there, if they don't have enough summer help. I hope Annie Rowland came back; she was a delightful co-worker.
    at 6:51 AM

   Friday, May 28, 2004  
Nick, Laura, and I leave via car tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., all other factors being equal. I need to journey still to Office Depot for two medium-sized boxes that will hold my shoes, video tapes, CDs, and a few miscellaneous items. Laura commented I have 'a lot of shit'. This is true. I accumulate things; they stick to me.

I had my hair cut at the place next to the grocery store. The girl bobbed it, the style I wore during junior high (eighth grade). I let her know she did a good job. Now, if I just lose some weight, I'll look sort of cute again. It could happen.

Last night I visited Pamela and baby Rowan. I brought Rowan her birthday gift (she turns one next month)- a lamb blankie and a Pooh Bear book. She grabbed the blankie and cooed "aaahhh". Pam ordered pizza, which Rowan gobbled most enthusiastically. She offered me some, but I showed her I had a piece already; she then dropped the offering onto the floor. Auzgezeichnet.
    at 11:57 AM

   Wednesday, May 26, 2004  
At work I trained my replacement, an older fellow named Delayne. He rolled the dough well, and I let him roll most of it himself (which I did not do when I trained Christina and Little Mikey). I open for the last time tomorrow. I'll train Delayne again, which means I shan't have much work to do myself. Ausgezeichnet.

People at work ask me if I am excited to return home. Frankly, I am quite indifferent, as far as concerns my family. I do miss my old friends, but I know I won't see them much, because I'll work and they'll work (most of them- the ones who aren't filthy rich). Beyond work, I won't have much to do until school starts, wherever that ends up being. I am considering taking clarinet lessons at my old place of employment/place where I took piano, if they are adaptable to my work schedule. I feel mildly guilty about hauling my mother's thirty-three year-old Bundy clarinet everywhere, but never playing it.

Diet Coke with Lime tastes sort of good.
    at 12:48 PM

   Monday, May 24, 2004  
I apologize for my previous post's profanity. I just get so angry sometimes.
    at 7:37 PM  
I packed all my clothes (except what I'll wear through the week) into duffel bags and luggage cases, then I wrapped picture frames and all the other junk I had planted on bookcases and tucked into any visible spaces. Two thirds of the remainder consists of books, magazines, and old schoolwork.

As I folded clothes, I cycled through my Yes CDs. April, Little Miss Hardcore, scoffs at Jon Anderson's falsetto, but I respect any man who sings that high after he goes through puberty. Also, their albums are famous for the "fab" artist who designs them. I would like very much to see a Yes concert (before they all go off and croak on me), but this year they shan't tour the United States. Dadgum them!

    at 7:23 PM  
Yesterday after work I attended an Advertising Club function at the park down the road apiece from school. I wore a Harve Benard denim skirt, a halter top (in which I went au natural), and my boots from sophomore year (the ones with the flippy left sole). My ensemble made playtime difficult, but I managed fairly well.

The boys played a whiffleball homerun derby, but the guy who pitched to me jipped me out of it entirely, for which I was much displeased. He either threw outside or hit me (none of this on purpose). And during a run (observing me run must be extremely hilarious to other people) to fetch a ball, my flippy sole finally fell off. When I left, I gimp-walked to the parking lot past a high school graduation party, whose attendees pointed and laughed (not meanly) at my misfortune.

Uncle Nick introduced me to a flavor of ice cream called "Pineapple Upside-Down Cake". He has also widened my dietary horizons to include spinach, grape tomatoes, brussel sprouts, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and squash, which I suppose evens out the ice cream.

I ought to begin packing, but I must first acquire boxes. Most of what Fuddruckers discards is either too large or too small. Scheisse.
    at 1:39 PM

   Saturday, May 22, 2004  
I telephoned April's mommy and daddy (now that I am a grown up, they tell me I may call them "Kenny" and "Paul") with notification of my impending arrival at their domicile next weekend. They seemed thrilled. April considerately washed her bedsheets before she left for Vienna, which might make one wonder what, precisely, she does to them. However, I am aware that April never sleeps under the covers, and therefore washes her sheets once every two or three years. Before April returns, I shan't wash her sheets for her. She probably won't notice.

    at 6:56 PM

   Friday, May 21, 2004  
I decided I might miss some people from work and school. Sunday afternoon the Ad Club is holding a picnic/end of semester shindig, to which I shall bring my camera. I'll have to be certain no one snatches a photograph of me, though- I don't need evidence of my fat period lurking about.

My managers claim they will miss me. I suspect they mean they'll miss the excellent job in Bakery Land I did for them.
    at 7:05 PM

   Thursday, May 20, 2004  
ADP (a checkprinting/payroll company) ordered 1,530 cookies. From noon until ten I baked and bagged these cookies single-handedly, except for a few bags cookied by Vicki, Sabrina, and Andy (a buser, a cashier, and an expediter, respectively). Every individual paper bag received two each of chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin walnut, and sugar cookies.

My body, depending on where one sniffs, smells like sweat, chocolate, garlic butter, shake mix, bread dough, and more sweat.

These people had better like these cookies.

I ought to feel tired, but unfortunately, I am perfectly well. I cannot sleep. I suppose I'll do a few sit-ups and then read until my poor little eyes droop.
    at 9:02 PM  
I work from noon until nine. Then I sleep. I wake up for Friday's opening shift, which runs from seven in the morning until two in the afternoon. Then I sleep.

I return to the K-hole Memorial Day weekend.
    at 8:23 AM